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Interview: Bill Polkinghorn, Discovery Dispatch, Patent Searchers on Got Invention Radio


Bill Polkinghorn
Discovery Dispatch


1980 – I started in the patent business quite by accident as a college student
working part time for a private company at the Patent Office.

Older searchers were not familiar with digital electronics or with these new
personal computers coming into the market and asked me to tutor them is digital
technologies. This resulted in me starting my own company to assist searchers
in conducting patent searches in this new field. Over time I got my own clients
and the company grew.

1995 – In the mid 90’s the company I started out with was for sale. They
covered a range of services and I bought the division I started with which
provides patent monitoring services. The weekly watch is a customized patent
newsletter covering specific topics of interest to our clients. We incorporated
the patent weekly watch service into the Discovery Dispatch at that time.

2011 – Today we provide the same basic services covering patent searching for
inventors, companies, law firms, and educational institutions. We also provide
patent monitoring with our weekly patent watch service and will soon be
introducing our new database services and patent analysis services.

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